In Portland News

We are back with the 2nd entry in our series on eating your way to clearer skin!! Last week we covered dull and dry skin and if you missed that post it is definitely helpful if you find yourself with dull or dry skin. This week we are going to focus on acne and oily skin, which many people young and old have to deal with on a daily basis. So now that we are done with the intro, let’s get into the goods!

Foods for Acne and Oily Skin:

There are many foods out there that will help you achieve the balance needed to control acne and oily skin. Vitamin A is great for helping mitigate the effects of acne and oily skin as it helps keep pores clean. Foods like kale, sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe, peppers, asparagus and red chili peppers are all rich sources of Vitamin A and all are easy to work into your diet on a regular basis.

Zinc is another mineral that is great for your skin and you can find it in abundance in turkey, beef, port, raw oysters, blue crab, ricotta cheese, tofu, lentils, peas, cashews, almonds and oats. Again, all of these foods are very common and easily palatable for most (with oysters being the exception as they are usually loved or absolutely loathed.) Omega-3s are also great for skin and overall health and you can find it in chia seeds, flax, cauliflower and fish.

Oh No, I’m BREAKING OUT!!!!!!!

Don’t panic, there is research suggesting that eliminating foods like white bread, dairy products, and simple sugars from your daily diet and see if you notice your skin clearing up in the days following. These foods affect every person differently and they may or may not be causing your breakout, you will know if they are shortly after eliminating them from your diet and documenting the results. If you notice your skin clearing up, you may want to steer clear of these foods and find adequate replacement to complete your diet and keep your clear skin!

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